Monday, October 15, 2007

A new look at Homo Sapiens

Rosebank Union Church (RUC) in Johannesburg is the physical Church where I occasionally attend. I guess that hints that I attend a church that is not a physical place.
Well in a sense that may be true. I generally attend the Spirit Word Channel Church that is of course a physical place and I have been there, but I typically attend there as a virtual church.
I receive the transmissions from Spirit Word via a satellite signal. It is also available on the Internet.
I attend as a virtual person may be more accurate, but I am not a member of any physical Church and thus cannot speak on the behalf of any Church.
Forgive me I am rambling away from the point, but I wanted you to understand me and my relationship to RUC, where an amazing series of three talks is taking place. The three talks are from a book that is not yet published. It is a preview and extract about the fascinating topic of the Creation.
This is a topic that is close to the heart of Adam's Clay which is a story sprinkled with truth as I mentioned before so the discussion about Creation is relevant.
This series of talks is presented by a Christian Lawyer who has examined at the evidence, both scientific and biblical and has concluded that these two sources of evidence agree.
I know that there is now disbelief that this cannot be true, from both sides of the argument. The biblical record and the scientific discoveries are contradictory.
When the book is published I will announce the details and you read and decide, however there is one of the many points I want to examine further and share this with you.
Science claims that Homo Sapiens, as a species, has existed on Earth for a much longer time than proclaimed by the Bible.
You might ask how does the Christian legal mind accept that these two contradictory claims are in accord with one another.
Well for them both to be true then there must be a time when Homo Sapiens lived before the Adam and Eve of the Bible. This a logical and obvious claim and one that can only be made when one accepts that both the claims of Science and of the Bible are both true. Most people would take sides and not see the logic of this option.
In my book Sam finds the source of God's Truth and was horrified that while he knew the truth it was not good enough to be used as 'Stand Up In Court Evidence'. Even though he didn't realise it immediately even God's Truth was tainted by his own perception.
Truth cannot be compared to evidence, but evidence is all that we can use.
So what is the evidence that something strange changed about the time that Adam and Eve lived? That is what I want to examine over the next few posts of this blog.

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