Sunday, October 21, 2007

Age of Enlightenment

For a week I have been considering further evidence that something incredible happened around the time that humans decided to record the events of history. Which in itself is either very amazing or very simple and obvious.
So let's start there with writing. I have said somewhere that Humans could not help, but discover the art of writing. This was in defense of a recent creation. However equally feasible is the concept that Adam was equal in all respects, brain capacity, DNA and physical appearance, but different in some special way, making him (Adam) very different to the other homo sapiens who coexisted with him on Earth. If a type of human lived on Earth for several hundred millenniums and they left no evidence of inventing writing then I have a real problem with that or they were not the humans that I know. Never mind about the discovery of the use of fire, the bronze and iron ages. I'm going there soon.
What about the Clay Age? The people of Samaria (of cuneiform fame) used clay tablets for writing upon, during the Bronze Age.
These 'ages' came so fast on each other's heels they overlapped. What started that Age of Enlightenment?

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